This policy was put in place to create awareness and responsibility in all stakeholders and every person associated with ISWB, to

1 protect and promote the well-being of all children; give effect to Namibia’s obligations concerning the well-being, development and protection of children in terms of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and other international agreements binding on Namibia;
2 protect children from discrimination, exploitation and other physical, emotional or moral harm or hazards.

Act No. 3 2015 CHILD CARE AND PROTECTION ACT, 29 May 2015


This policy provides guidance on how our organisation uses the internet and social media and the procedures for doing so. It also outlines how we expect the staff, volunteers, invigilators in our employ, and the children or young people who are affiliated to ISWB, to behave online.

The aims of our eSafety Policy are:
* To protect all children and young people involved with our school and who make use of technology and the internet while in our care.
* To provide staff with policy and procedure information regarding online safety and inform them the procedure to respond to incidents.
* To ensure our organisation is operating in line with our values and within the law regarding how we behave online.

As part of using the internet and social media, our organisation understands the safety aspects – including what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for staff and students – when using websites, social media, apps, and other forms of digital communication.

We shall:
* Be vigilant and aware that it doesn’t matter what device is being used for digital interaction, but that the same safety aspects apply whether it is a computer, mobile phone or the internet.
* When using social media platforms (including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), ensure that we adhere to relevant legislation and good practice guidelines.
* Regularly review existing safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that online safeguarding issues are fully integrated, including:
† Making sure concerns of abuse or disclosures that take place online are written into our reporting procedures.
† Incorporating online bullying (‘cyber bullying’) in our anti-bullying policy as set out on page 16 in our School Handbook under the heading, “Policy on Racism, Harassment and Bullying”.
† Provide training for the person/s responsible for managing our organisation’s online school.
† The internal IT Consultant of ISWB is appointed to monitor all devices linked to the online network.
* Our online presence will adhere to the following guidelines:
† All accounts will be password-protected and at least two members of staff (Online Head of Admin and the Tutor) will have access to each account and password.
† The online school will be monitored by the Head of Admin.
† The designated person managing our online presence will seek advice from our designated safeguarding lead (Cambridge appointed representative) to advice on safeguarding requirements.
† The designated person will remove any content that could be harmful, inappropriate or derogative and inform the school, and anyone who may be affected – including parents and students.
† Account, page and event settings will be set to “private” so that only invited management can see the content.
† No identifying details such as a home address or telephone number will be available online.
† Any posts or correspondence will be consistent with our aims.
† Ensure that parents, legal guardians and students are aware who they can contact if they have concerns about the running of the account.
† Parents/Legal guardians will give consent, and have access to any communication with their children via online platforms.
† No photographs or videos may be posted of children without explicit consent from the parent/legal guardian.
† All our accounts and e-mail addresses will be appropriate and fit for purpose.


Principal/Senior Leader of ISWB Digital

* Recruit new tutors
* Submit a criminal check for all new staff members
* Monitor and observe online classes on a regular basis
* Sit in and observe live Zoom session on a regular basis
* Maintain an open-door policy for staff, parents and teachers
* Give a monthly update on the performance of students to parents via a Performance Report
* Compile and mail to parents an end-of-term report for each student
* Hold a meeting once a term with staff members as part of a continuous virtual data analysis
* Deliver regular virtual training sessions or information meetings for parents

ICT Technician

* Remove any inappropriate material by students or staff or any person associated with ISWB
* Will provide advice on safeguarding requirements and update our provider as deemed necessary
* Will ensure we follow all safety and protection protocol as determined by law

Safeguarding Lead

* Will act as the main person to contact on all safety issues – could be the senior leader or someone especially recruited for this role
* Ensure relevant policies are in place to deal with online safety concerns
* Record online safety incidents and actions taken
* Liaise with tutors and ICT technician to ensure appropriate filtering and monitoring systems are in place
* Ensure that all online safety policies align with current legislation
* Implement online safety training for tutors, and empowering students to keep themselves and others safe online
* Promote online safety to parents
* Actively encourage positive online behaviour
* Keep updated with current research legislation and trends

Teaching and Support Staff

* Be aware of this policy and adhere to it
* Seek advice and guidance from the safeguarding lead
* Ensure that all content posted is accurate, appropriate and in line with the school’s policies
* Avoid ‘friend ‘or ‘follow’ requests from students
* Maintain a strictly professional conduct at all times
* Play a pro-active role in building a safe space for students online
* Any communication with parents or students should be professional and preferably in writing – the senior leader should be copied in
* Any disclosures of abuse reported would be dealt with in accordance with our reporting procedures
* No inappropriate content may be shared or distributed. Any such offence will lead to immediate dismissal

Child Protection Officer

* Will be the assigned councillor of ISWB
* Liaise with tutors to identify children at risk
* Speak with children and families to assess their needs
* Investigate reported concerns and allegations
* Advise on child protection issues
* Arrange support and keep record of reported cases
* Attend training courses


* Students must be aware of the online policy and agree to it
* Their behaviour must be in line and consistent with the guidelines set out in this Policy and the School Handbook
* Must have self-discipline and time management skills to work independently
* Know and comply with due dates and deadline requirements
* Report any form of abuse or discrepancies to the Senior Leader or Child Protection Officer
* Know and understand student rights and responsibilities as detailed by the School Handbook
* Demonstrate commitment to academic honesty
* Comply with online safety procedures as outlined in this policy

Parents/Legal guardians

* Provide a safe space for children to work in
* Encourage a fixed schedule at home
* Continuously speak to children to ensure a safe online environment
* Encourage children to speak up if they feel unsafe
* Attend online meetings and workshops arranged by school
* Stay in communication with the tutors


The right to privacy is provided for under Article 13 of the Namibian Constitution:

“No persons shall be subject to interference with the privacy of their homes, correspondence or communications save as in accordance with law and as is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the protection of health or morals, for the prevention of disorder or crime or for the protection of the rights or freedoms of others”

Besides the right to privacy Namibia does not have a data protection and privacy law at
the moment.


The following rules and regulations will be followed to protect data and privacy
of the students joining ISWB online:

* Tools used for online teaching must meet data privacy requirements
* Explain the importance of data protection to all students
* Ensure that ISWB retain direct control over information being collected, used and maintained
* Use the guidelines given in FERPA “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act” as well as “COPPA” “Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act” to ensure the maximum protection of data
* Make a conscientious effort to stay up to date with new protection laws

As an organisation, we commit to implementing this policy and addressing any concerns quickly and within these guidelines. We also strictly adhere to the Terms and Conditions as required by Cambridge International.